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How to order

Online order

(Important Notice: Please contact us before placing orders from areas outside Greece)

You can order products online through our website. The procedure is the following:

  1. Choose the product you want to purchase
  2. Add it to your shopping cart using the "Add to Cart" button
  3. Follow the same procedure to add any other the products you want to purchase to your shopping cart
  4. When you're done adding your items, click the "Cart" icon located on the top right of the page
  5. In the "Shopping Cart" page, you can see all the products you have added to your cart, aswell as their quantity. If you're ready to check out, click the "Continue your order" button.
  6. Insert all the required contact and delivery information, and pick a delivery and payment method.
  7. Follow the instructions displayed to proceed with the final payment
  8. Once your order is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes.


Order by phone

If you wish to order via telephone, you can call our call center at (+30) 800 11 55 222 (Monday to Friday 8:30-16:30)




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